We believe the best research is anchored in respect. We strive to treat every person we meet with dignity and humanity.
Over a collective 65+ years of moderating experience, we’ve spoken with thousands of people from all walks of life (which is astonishing in itself!) Each has contributed something of value to the outcome of our client projects. From CEOs to teenagers, each person’s voice counts.
Starting with respect means starting without bias. In research design and planning, fieldwork, analysis and strategic thinking, it’s crucial to look at the questions from the customer point of view, not our own or the client’s. Respecting individuality means we can design approaches to capture a true range of insights without the distortion of our own preconceived notions.
the insight safari way
We love cookies, but not cookie-cutter research.
Each project is customized to our unique clients and their business questions. We mix and match methodologies and design creative research exercises to get to the heart of the matter. Also, send cookies.
When it comes to analysis, we design custom analytic frameworks and also build on existing knowledge bases in disciplines such as psychology, economics and anthropology. Our goal is to let the data drive the output, not force it into our own pre-made box.
Stories come first. “Data” comes next. The framework comes last.
We play well with others, and we know who to call.
We are masters at integrating our results into our clients’ other workstreams and existing business intelligence. Need us to partner up with another vendor? We’re happy to collaborate. We’re not the right fit? We can connect you with someone who can help.

Virtual Research
- Qualitative In-Depth Interviews (1:1)
- Virtual Focus Groups
- Quick-Turn Online Discussion Forums
- Ongoing Online Research Communities
- Journaling

- In-Depth Interviews
- Focus Groups
- In-Home Ethnographic Interviews
- Retail Intercepts And Shopalongs
- Client/Consumer Co-Creation Sessions
- Research Retreats & Camps

- Brainstorming & Ideation
- Insights Immersion Sessions
- Strategic Workshops
- Insights Training
- Client/Consumer Mash-Ups